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Troubleshooting with the Activity Log

A short guide on how to use the Activity Log for troubleshooting common issues.

Autohost logs multiple types of events and actions to help troubleshoot issues, improve accountability and reduce investigation times.

To view the global log select it from the left sidebar menu.


The log viewer will load the most recent events in descending order.


Clicking on an event item will open a modal window showing more details. If the event has a reservation context it will add a link to it.


You can view a filtered log for each reservation in the Log tab.


Supported Statuses, Topics, and Events


Each event has a status field to indicate whether the action succeeded, had an error, or warrants closer inspection.

Status NameDescription
successAction succeeded.
errorAction failed with an error.
warningEvent should be reviewed or action failed but not because of a technical issue.


Topics are categories of events. The following topics are supported:

Topic NameDescription
guestportalEvents generated during Guest Portal activity. These events always have a reservation context.
accountEvents generated on an account. These events do not have a reservation context.
integrationEvents generated from external systems, such as PMS.

Events by Topic

Guest Portal

Event NameStatus
Failed to Create Customer on Stripewarning
Failed to Create Invoice on Stripewarning
Guest Paid for Extra Servicessuccess
Guest Portal Direct Link Completedsuccess
Guest Portal Completedsuccess
Guest Portal Startedsuccess
Guest Portal Reservation Blocked for Disabled Listingwarning
Blocked Anonymous Connection to Guest Portalwarning
Guest Portal Screen [last_step] Completedsuccess
Damage Waiver Charge Failedwarning
Payment Validation Failedwarning
Guest Portal Security Deposit Succeededsuccess
Guest Paid for Damage Waiversuccess
Payment Validation Succeededsuccess
User Deleted Security Deposit tasksuccess
User Refunded Security Deposit chargesuccess
User Started Security Deposit tasksuccess
User Captured Security Deposit chargesuccess
User Deleted Stargate Messagesuccess
User Restored Stargate Messagesuccess
User Resent Stargate Messagesuccess
User Sent Stargate Messagesuccess
User Changed Reservation Verification Status to Approvesuccess
User Changed Reservation Verification Status to Declinesuccess
Reservation Notesuccess


Event NameStatus
Account Createdsuccess
Partner Account Createdsuccess
Sub-user Loginsuccess
User Loginsuccess
User Requested Password Resetsuccess
User Changed Listing Status to ACTIVEsuccess
User Changed Listing Status to INACTIVEsuccess


Event NameStatus
SuperHog Returned an Error When Attempting to Update Reservationerror
SuperHog Returned an Error When Attempting to Create Reservationerror
SuperHog Accepted Reservationsuccess
SuperHog Validation Error for Reservationwarning
Listing Connected to SuperHogsuccess
SuperHog Returned an Error When Attempting to Connect Listingerror
SuperHog Validation Error for Reservationwarning
Listing Connected to NoiseAwaresuccess
Webhook Registered with NoiseAwaresuccess
NoiseAware Error While Trying to Register Webhookerror