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What are Add-Ons?

Add-ons are advanced Autohost verifications and validations that may be enabled on demand

Add-ons are advanced guest screening verifications, allowing additional info collection and enhanced reservation-level risk analysis. Add-ons are disabled, by default, and may be enabled by the user, to run in addition to the verification screens included within the core Guest Portal product.

Visit this article to learn more about the various Guest Portal screens

Types of Add-ons

There are two types of add-ons that differ based on when they run and whether they're presented to the guest, or not.

Add-ons that run when selected

Enabling any of these will make them appear as optional validations in the Guest Portal screen setup view. Note that enabling them through the Add-Ons will not automatically make them run, but simply make them available for selection. You will need to check the boxes in the Guest Portal Screens setting view in order to trigger them.

Unlike the behind-the-scenes Add-ons that are outlined below, enabling any of these through the Guest Portal Screens tab will trigger them to be presented to the guest, as one of the Guest Portal screens, as they complete their online verification.

Add-ons that run on every reservation (aka "Behind The Scenes")

Enabling any of these will make them appear as optional validations in the Guest Portal screen setup view. Note that enabling them through the Add-Ons will not automatically make them run, but simply make them available for selection. You will need to check the boxes in the Guest Portal Screens setting view in order to trigger them.

These run in the background on every reservation

Configure based on OTA / listing: Link

Add-on pricing

Add-ons are individually priced within Pay-As-You-Go packages, or may be included as part of the monthly Flat Fee per listing, depending on the tier. The price will be clearly displayed at the bottom of each add-on, or you can visit your billing page for a comprehensive breakdown.