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Autohost's privacy policy

We zealously protect user data and will never sell personal information to third parties.

In this document, you will find the most common questions about our privacy policy. To read the entire policy document head over here.

How long is the data stored with Autohost?

Data is stored for the minimum length of time required by local authorities and/or insurance providers.

What happens when a booking or transaction is canceled?

When a reservation or transaction is canceled by the guest or host on the booking site the update will be

Does Autohost share or sell personal data?

No. The information Autohost collects belongs to the account owner. Autohost acts as the data processor only.

Where are Autohost's servers located?

Autohost utilizes "serverless" technology. Although we do not use servers in the traditional sense, our compute and storage clusters are primarily located in the USA and Canada.

All traffic is protected using TLS with 256-bit encryption keys when transmitted to the Autohost network.

How can a guest or customer request for their data to be deleted?

Guests who wish to have their information removed must send such requests to their service provider. The service provider (you) will then need to email our privacy team with the reservation or transaction ID.

The email address of our Privacy Officer is: privacy at