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Types of ID Checks - Verification, ID Collection, and Selfie


In your Autohost Guest Portal Screens, you can discern which type of ID check you are completing on each of your guests. Below, you'll find further clarification on each of these checks and what is involved on the guest side.

ID Verification

ID verification is one of the most powerful data points Autohost uses in the risk assessment and vetting process. It is used to:

  • Verify the identity of the guest and ensure it matches all other reservation details
  • Collect required information/docs for regulatory purposes
  • Ensure a biometric match, making sure the owner of the ID is indeed the main booker

ID Verification includes the following checks:

  • It is a picture of an identification document
  • Biometrics match
  • Not expired
  • Names match
  • Location match
  • Extraction of all data from the ID (for exporting and to be used in other screens to pre-fill fields)
  • Validate all expected fields (such as Class, Issuing State...)
  • Advanced UI using WASM to reduce user issues
  • Improved detection of fake documents

Guest Journey / User Flow

  • The guest is asked to select their ID type from a dropdown menu
  • The guest can either upload photos of the front of their ID or take photos of the front of their ID
  • Once the guest successfully uploads their photo ID, they will move on to the selfie screen
  • On the Selfie screen, the guest will be prompted to take a selfie where their ID is also plainly in view
  • If the guest is unsuccessful, after the set number of failed attempts, they will be prompted to take a selfie holding their ID

ID Collection

ID Collection is a mid-tier analysis of the ID checking stage in the Autohost Guest journey.

ID Collection includes the following checks:

  • It is a picture of an identification document
  • Biometrics match
  • Not expired
  • Names match
  • Location match

Guest Journey / User Flow:

  • The guest is asked to select their ID type from a dropdown menu
  • The guest can either upload photos of the front of their ID or take photos of the front of their ID
  • Once the guest successfully uploads their photo ID, they will move on to the selfie screen
  • On the Selfie screen, the guest will be prompted to take a selfie where their ID is also plainly in view
  • If the guest is unsuccessful, after the set number of failed attempts, they will be prompted to take a selfie holding their ID


  • Stand-alone selfie screen
  • This is only used when ID Verification / Collection is not selected

Guest Journey / User Flow:

  • Guest will be prompted to take a selfie where their ID is also plainly in view

Where ID Verification / Collection are selected - the guest will be prompted to complete a Selfie step. When ID Verification / Collection are selected, you will be unable to add the additional screen of "Selfie" as it is already included as a step in said process / screen.