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How to Set Up Guest Portal as a Kiosk

The Guest Portal can be set up as a kiosk using an iPad. This is a great way to allow guests to check in and out of your property without needing to interact with a staff member. This article will walk you through the steps to set up the Guest Portal as a kiosk.

Kiosk Stand

Order a kiosk stand from Lilitab or a similar company.


Make sure you order the ID Capture Accessory with the iPad case from Lilitab:

Then order a matching iPad from Apple. The basic version is all you need. As long as it has a back camera and a front-facing camera.

iPad Setup

  1. Install Kiosk+ app from the App Store.
  2. Activate Kiosk Mode on the iPad by following this guide.
  3. Configure the Kiosk App as described:
Starting Website URLhttps://<your-custom-domain>?kiosk=1
Home ButtonON
Reset Time*300
Disable SleepON
Visible Unlock ButtonOFF
Unlock PasswordEnter a password
Reset Cookies & Cache at Starting WebsiteON
Activate Kiosk Mode On App LaunchON
Custom User AgentAutohost/Kiosk/[optional: location name]
  1. Click "Activate Kiosk Mode" to start the kiosk.


Here is an example of how the kiosk will look: