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About Booking History

“Booking History” is a powerful insight provided via your guest’s reservation to give you insight into whether the guest has previously booked with your organization. Let's dig a little deeper.

Where to Locate Booking History

Use the following guide to navigate to "Booking History":

Autohost → Reservations → Select desired Reservation → Details → Scroll down to "Booking History" on the lefthand side of the Details page

What Parameters we're Using

We're using a handful of powerful parameters to determine if this guest has booked in the past, these include:

  • Email
  • Email as a guest in a group / party
  • Device Fingerprints

These may show in the "Booking History" section as displayed information for your reference (ie. in the case that an email was a match - say John Doe is booking a new reservation and had also been a guest under a previous reservation made by Jane Doe with no concerns).

These may also show as a Declined Transaction where they may have been a past reservation that was declined (ie. in a case where the device fingerprints match a previous reservation that was declined by your team).

What to do next…

You know your business best, and are the best person to make the call on whether you Approve or Decline a guest, and the reasons you may choose to do so.

When you see a Booking History with a past declined reservation, take extra care to investigate the associated reservations, make contact with the guest to gather any additional information you may want, etc.