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How do I reset my password?

  1. Go to the Autohost Login page (

  2. Click on Forgot Password. See the image below for visual reference.


  1. Next, go to your email inbox, and click on the password reset email. Follow the prompts in the email to reset your password.

Note: If you are an Admin user, you can reset the passwords of other users by logging in to Autohost, and navigating to Accounts > [click on an account that you'd like to change the password for] > Change Password. See the image below for visual reference.

Screenshot_View of Account Page on Autohost

Lock out due to excessive log-in attempts

Excessive login attempts to Autohost could signal suspicious activity. As a preventative security measure, Autohost will auto-block the IP address of the location of the user, for up to 1 hour.

If you need assistance before that time, please contact us at