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Message Delivery Issues with OTAs has recently announced proactive measures to mitigate suspected phishing attempts. If an account is deemed as having suspicious activity, links may be removed or stripped from outgoing messages.

Individuals facing challenges with link functionality are encouraged to:

  • Log into your Extranet account and adjust your messaging security settings. More details can be found here.
  • Contact their representative at for assistance in resolving the matter.

For a more detailed understanding of this issue we recommend referring to's official article, available here, which offers additional insights into their ongoing efforts.

Autohost is in communication with and is committed to reaching a scalable solution. Troubleshooting

Follow these steps to make sure you have all the correct settings for sending messages to guests.

Add email domains to the allowed list

Here’s how to specify email addresses that can reach your guests:

If you have one property

  1. Sign in to the Extranet
  2. Click Property, then Messaging preferences
  3. Click Security settings
  4. Complete two-factor authentication
  5. Click Add an email address and enter or your custom email domain (e.g.
  6. Click Add an email address and enter
  7. To add more email addresses or domains, click +
  8. Click Add email address

If you have multiple properties

  1. Sign in to your group account on the Extranet
  2. On the homepage, select one property
  3. Click Property, then Messaging preferences
  4. Click Security settings
  5. Complete two-factor authentication
  6. Click Add an email address and enter or your custom email domain (e.g.
  7. Click Add an email address and enter
  8. To add more email addresses or domains, click +
  9. Click Add email address
  10. To apply the same settings to all properties in your account, click Apply to all properties
  11. Check the approved email addresses and click Apply to all properties in the pop-up
  12. Changes will then be applied across all properties

Check that emails are not blocked

You can also completely block emails from reaching your guests if the following setting is toggled on.

  1. Open the Messaging Security tab
  2. Make sure the Block all email communication option is toggled off

Note: This will also prevent the emails in the Your approved email addresses section from reaching your guests if not disabled.

This setting allows you to specify which links can be shared with your guests via our messaging platform. For example, you might choose to add your property’s website address or a link to your online check-in tool. These links will appear in the Your approved links section.

Once enabled, any links you haven’t added will be removed from your messages. Your guests won’t be able to click them and instead will see [Link was removed].

Here’s how to specify which links can reach your guests:

If you have one property

  1. Sign in to the Extranet
  2. Click Property, then Messaging preferences
  3. Click Security settings
  4. Complete two-factor authentication
  5. Click Add a link and enter or your custom domain (e.g.
  6. To add more links, click +
  7. Click Add domain

If you have multiple properties

  1. Sign in to your group account on the Extranet
  2. On the homepage, select one property
  3. Click Property, then Messaging preferences
  4. Click Security settings
  5. Complete two-factor authentication
  6. Click Add a link and enter or your custom domain (e.g.
  7. To add more links, click +
  8. Click Add domain
  9. To apply the same settings to all properties in your account, click Apply to all properties
  10. Check the approved email addresses and click Apply to all properties in the pop-up
  11. Changes will then be applied across all properties

Check that domains are not blocked

You can also completely block links from reaching your guests if the following setting is toggled on.

  1. Open the Messaging Security tab
  2. Make sure the Block all links option is toggled off


More details can be found here.